Students Organization for Research and Technology (SORT)
This is the organization for student research activities and under this students are undertaking the research projects which are beneficial to college and society. The projects under taken by SORT are additional than the regular BE projects. Generally they are multi disciplinary.
SORT Faculty Core Committee
Sr. No. | Academic Year | Name of Faculty | Designation |
1 | 2022-23 | Prof. Dr. D. B. Desai | Advisor |
2 | 2022-23 | Prof. Mrs. P. S. Pathak | Faculty Coordinator |
SORT Student Core Committee
Sr. No. | Academic Year | Name of student | Designation | Department |
1 | 2022-23 | Joya Shaikh | President | CSE |
2 | 2022-23 | Pushparaj Jagdale | Vice President | ETC |
3 | 2022-23 | Aditya Desai | Secretary | Civil |
4 | 2022-23 | Ajinkyaraj Raut | Treasurer | Civil |
Activities Conducted in 2021-22
Sr. No. | Academic Year | Date | Name of activity | Resource Person | Targeted audience | No. of Participants |
1 | 2022-23 | 17-12-2021 | Inauguration of SORT& Expert Lecture on “Research & Development by Engineers Perspective” | Mr. Pratik Joshi, Researcher Fellow, IIT, Mumbai | Final Year & Pre final year B.Tech students | 165 |
3 | 2022-23 | 7-5-2022 | National level “A problem statement competition” for Diploma students “INNOVATE 2K22” | -- | All diploma students | 273 |
2 | 2022-23 | 1-1-2022 | Paper presentation competition | -- | First year to final year students | 48 |
A problem statement competition for Diploma Students
A problem statement competition for Diploma Students

SORT – Successfully completed projects
Sr. No. | Title of Project | Name of Students | Class | Mentor |
1 | Automatic Gate | Asif Iqbal Sagar Ayawale Aniket Kambale | T.E. (Mech) | Prof. T.S. Mulla |
2 | Resonance Model | Bamane Rohit Digamber Kakade Shivraj Kore Swapnil Waghmode | B.E. (Civil) B.E. (Mech) T.E. (Civil) T.E. (Civil) | Dr. G. M. Malu |
Proposed Projects
- Water management for college campus
- Modernization of shake table
- Traffic management from Zele talkies to Modi hospital at Jaysingpur
- Accident prevention measures at Engineering college corner, Jaysingpur
- Industrial waste water management of L. K. Akiwate industrial estate, Jaysingpur
- Smart white board
- Digitalization of Vicat apparatus.