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 DTE Code : EN-6277

Dr. J J Magdum Trust’s (No. E/902)

Dr. J. J. Magdum College Of Engineering, Jaysingpur

An Autonomous Institute( From 2024-25)

‘NAAC ‘A’ Grade Institute’

Approved by A.I.C.T.E., New Delhi, Recognized by Govt. of Maharashtra (DTE) & Affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur

Dr. J.J. Magdum College Of Engineering, Jaysingpur

An Autonomous Institute( From 2024-25)

‘NAAC ‘A’ Grade Institute’


Dr.J.J.Magdum Trust’s

Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engg. Jaysingpur


To develop library as a value addition towards academia and research, Library works Dr. JJMCOE works under valuable guidance of Honorable Chairman and Principal. Central library committee take care of all library related activities.

Central library of JJMCOE is Wi-Fi enabled building with latest infrastructure and well stocked with good collection of books, e-books, journals, e-journals and newspapers with carpet area 710 sqm. for the central library.

The library also has of books and other material for reading like a set of handbook, encyclopedia, Gate books, GRE, TOFEL and general collections such as motivational books, biographies, competitive exam books, etc. Good collection of 45000 volumes excluding e- books are available.

Books are purchased from leading publishers/book distributors and book exhibitions. The Table 10.4.1shows the library utilization budget for last three financial years.
